"My Baby Is Ready To Eat!"
>> Are you considering starting solids with your baby?
>> Do you feel overwhelmed with all the information, suggestions, and regulations?
>>Are you unsure which method to follow for feeding your little?
We have been there too!
What an exciting time it is when your baby is starting solids. We remember that time with our littles. We remember the anticipation, but also all the worries that came during this time--which method is best? What about food allergies? Where do I even start? Our guide will help you to prepare for starting solids with your baby and help ease your mind from all the worries and misinformation on the internet. We got you mama!
When do I start solids with my baby?
What should be the first food I give my little?
Can I give my baby peanut butter?
We asked the same questions + compiled all the information for you into a guide, written by a Pediatric Dietitian just for you.
Just feel the stress roll off your shoulder as you learn exactly how to prepare for starting solids with your little one.
Let us journey with you!
Ready to feel the stress start to roll away? We are here to guide you.

In This Guide We Cover:
Tools for Success
Signs of Readiness
Meal & Snack Ideas
What Foods to Avoid
Allergens Introduction
The Many Styles of Feeding
Number & Size of Meals per age
Meal Time Language for Success
We got you!
Finding yourself googling too much to find the right information?!
The search is over, we compiled all the information for you into a short and informative guide, written by a Pediatric Dietitian.

About the Authors
After having my first child in 2018 I started MamaGuide, a creative outlet to help new mothers transition into motherhood. I quickly learned that adapting to motherhood and the wealth of advice that came along with it, was not one size fits all. This made me want to create a platform that could connect and help mothers around the world.

Caroline is a Licensed, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who specializes in pediatric medical nutrition therapy. Throughout her career, she has helped parents navigate feeding their children from infancy to adulthood using evidence-based research and tact knowing that food is strongly rooted in family tradition and culture. In her full time career, Caroline is a clinician who works with families of children with chronic medical conditions such as GI disorders and Cystic Fibrosis. Find her on IG @theclinicdietitian.