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Hila Bahari

My Top Postpartum Essentials

Hila Bahari


You are pregnant?! Congrats!! As soon as we get pregnant, we often think about everything we need for the baby. We then prepare for a baby shower, make a registry, and do most of the prepping for the new baby. Much of our preparation might not even be for immediate use with a newborn, but we still do allllll the prepping.

Many expecting mamas forget one thing or are underprepared for it- MAMAS POSTPARTUM ESSENTIALS!

Preparing everything YOU need postpartum to make YOUR transition into motherhood smoother is VERY important and should be on the top of your list. Making a postpartum kit/basket/bag/cart is very beneficial and I want to bring it to your attention and share with you everything, I believe, will help make your postpartum journey a little bit easier and a lot more comfortable.

So what do you actually need postpartum?! Here is a reel I made to show you all the things listed below! (hit the save or share button if you want to take a look later or know someone that will find it helpful).

👉🏼 Comfortable pajamas! Night sweats are real so make sure to wear something airy and light. Breastfeeding friendly is also a must (if you plan on breastfeeding!) This pajama dress from Larken is a favortie of mine, light and has buttons for easy access (discount code: mamaguide). I still currently wear it and it can be great during pregnancy as well.

👉🏼 Postpartum underwear- these from Larken (discount code: mamaguide) are super stretchy and comfortable! If you want to wear your husband's boxers that works too 😂

👉🏼 Nursing bras- those that double as pumping bras are my favorite! This particular one has no wires, it’s light and you can nurse, pump, and use the Haakaa comfortably with it. It is a winner! Ps. I love wearing it now too!

👉🏼 A Haakaa is a must in my books! This will help catch all the letdown and some, it’s also great to help relieve some pressure instead of pumping if pumping/nursing session is delayed (note-this is not a replacement for pumping).

👉🏼 Prenatals are important to keep taking postpartum. I love Thorne Research and if you are not supplementing baby with vitamin D make sure to take 6400iu yourself so that transfers to baby as well.

👉🏼 Electrolytes are helpful with milk supply so keep some on hand. These are also great for recovery early days postpartum. I use Redmond RealSalt electrolytes (discount code: mamaguide). And of course, keep a water bottle nearby at all times!

👉🏼 Something to put your hair up with. Those tiny hands sure pull out a lot of your hair!

👉🏼 Postpartum Recovery Kit- either DIY one yourself or pick up one of these Frida Mom caddy kits from target or amazon! I love that this kit comes with the basic essentials which make it a one-stop shop. Grab a peri bottle from the hospital or one from Frida Mom- both work well.

👉🏼 Active Skin Repair (discount code: mamaguide) is super helpful with hemorrhoids! Must have in every home since it’s used for almost everything. I use it most for cuts, when the kids fall, post sun burn or burn from cooking (which I always get).

👉🏼 Organic cotton pads for when bleeding is lighter. (For some this may be a couple of days postpartum and for others longer) with my first I was very light and it was all gone by day 8 with my second it lasted a couple weeks (sorry for the TMI).


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